I'm so excited that it's finally here, just in time for a new year! My giveaway for The Karen Kingsbury's new devotional, Miracles. Thanks to Valerie and Hachette Book Group, I have FIVE copies of this AMAZING book!!!!
About the Book:
MIRACLES draws from five of Karen's most popular books, delivering readers a fresh word from God for each week. Each devotion is an excerpt from one of Karen's Miracle books, selected for the uplifting and strengthening message it offers. This series includes:
**A Treasury of Adoption Miracles
**A Treasury of Miracles for Friends
**A Treasury of Miracles for Women
**A Treasury of Miracles for Teens
**A Treasury of Christmas Miracles
The stories in these books are all based on actual events and will make you laugh and cry at the same time. Of course, that's a Karen Kingsbury book - her fans know exactly what I mean. Now, I REALLY love to read and especially enjoy devotionals, little treats of stories that are quick to read and quickly warm your heart. This one does not disappoint. I read this straight through, more like a book than the weekly-devotional it is. Every story is uplifting and helps remind us that miracles happen, every day, to people just like you and me.
About the Author:
*Contest Rules*
PLEASE NO PO BOXES, US and Canada only.
+1 Entry for following my blog and leaving a comment
Bonus Entry: +1 Entry for telling me your favorite Karen Kingsbury book and why
2nd Bonus Entry: +1 Entry for telling me when you take down your Christmas tree (I don't want to yet!)
3rd Bonus Entry: +1 Entry for blogging about this giveaway and linking back here (leave a separate comment with link to your post/twitter)
So, four chances to win and there will be five winners. Good luck!!
Contest Ends: January 11, my darling daughter's birthday

Shawnee, I thought I was a follower, oh well, I have had your blog on my side bar forever, but now I AM a follower! #1
Oops, compassionatequilter @ rocketmaildotcom. I am a follower now! #1 entry!
#2, I have never read any of Karens books sad to say, but a few days ago posted on my blog about needing a new devotional for 2010.
compassionatequilter @ rocketmaildotcom
#3 I will take the tree down tomorrow. As much as I love fresh trees, once they start to die, my Asthma has a field day and I dislike fake trees!
I'm a happy follower, please enter me, I love books and this looks good.
Shawnee, I subscribe to your blog in my Google Reader. I take down my Christmas tree after new years day.
I just posted a link to your swap at:
that gives me a total of 4 entries my Email as always is:
and I am having a quilting book swap for Christmas fabric if you know anyone, it will be a small swap!
I like Karen's book, called Every now and Then.. I really connected to the pain that was in Alex's heart, mostly because I have felt deep grief and emotional upheaval from losing a very important part of my life, as Alex did. But, like Alex, the chains of my heart that kept me from experiencing joy, were also removed and today, there is the ability to experience love that I never thought would ever be part of my thinking.. Good read...
Gonna post about your giveaway on my blogsite, http://www.karensthreadsofhope.blogspot.com right now...
My email address is
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
The tree gets taken down usually about the 27th, due to having asthma, and the smell aggravates my lungs. But, I can not go without a fresh tree at the holidays, so lots of prayer for healthy breathing is always part of my morning, and evening routine.. Love the smells of Christ's birthday - but more importantly, LOVE Jesus for creating those smells, lol...
I posted a link on my blogsite.. I am trying to find out how to follow you here on Blogger, and sent a facebook request there!!
Blessings again, sister!
I haven't read any of her books yet, but I'll be going to the library and see if I can find one.
paweis at yahoo dot com
I am a follower. paweis at yahoo dot com
I usually take my Christmas tree down on New Years Day or close to it. I hate to do it tho because the room looks so bare. I usually leave up some of my snowmen since they can go into the new year (sometimes for months of snow)
paweis at yahoo dot com
I already follow
I don't have a favorite book as I've not read one yet.
I'll take my tree down sometime next week when school starts again.
I forgot to leave my email in my favorite book. tesplin86@hotmail.com
Hi Shawnee...ok, I never knew you had a blog, but I think that I was drawn here because of the hearts desire the Lord placed in my heart for this New Year...my heart's desire to create more comfort Crock pot meals for my family. I thought of you...you probably didn;t know you did, but you inspired me to use the slow cooker more when you showed us how to make a taco crock pot meal. Then I knew I was in the right place when I saw your beautiful picture of God's covering in our church...the WHITE snow. Thanks for sharing...and as far as my favorite Kingsbury book, I have yet to read one...I'm sorry...I heard that I'm missing out. And when do I take my tree down? Not until well past New Years/Epiphany. But sadly this year, we bought the wrong kind of tree and it is drying more quickly than we would like...so it's down...now. God Bless you with a very happy new year Shawnee today and throughout. Sweet Blessings, Jenni
oops - that anonymous one above is from me! I did not mean to hit the button when I did.
Much love,
Well...where did my post go? I need a book called blogging for dummies. :-)
Let's try again - here is what I HAD written:
After reading Jenni's comment, I must ask for the recipe for the crockpot Taco dish. That is my son's favorite.
My favorite Karen series is the Redemption series. And of course I went on to read the 2 sequel series to it.
We have always kept our tree up until after New Years. Having been raised near Chicago, it was common tradition to attend Epiphany parties, so most trees did not come down until after January 7th.
Happy New Year dear friend...
I would love to win you book in the giveaway. I think it is what I need to do more of...read! I have not read any of her books yet, but I have heard so much about them, so now I will have too. Hope you had a great NEW YEAR! Linda gypsyluv1010@gmail.com
I now follow you and not because of th giveaway. I just found your blog and I really like it. Linda gypsyluv1010@gmail.com
I usually take my tree down the day after New Years, but it is so pretty this year, I don't really want to. Linda gypsyyluv1010@gmail.com
Happy birthday to your dear daughter and Happy New Year to all!
I'd love to be the happy winner......please enter me too....
Warm blessings,
Hi Shawnee!
I would LOVE to have a chance at owning Karen Kingsbury's devotional... I have only read one of her series - Redemption (thank you Kathy M!) but it was wonderful... I couldn't put it down!
Thank you for inspiring so many people - you are such a blessing!
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