So, while in search for some crafty ideas for my Vintage Cowgirl Swap, I stumbled upon my newest and latest obsession: Upcycled Cowboy Boot Purses!! I saw a cute picture, then I found a tutorial, next a seller FROM OREGON, and now several sellers.
I've been scouring my local resale and goodwill stores for the past couple of weeks but have not been willing to pay $30 for a pair old boots I'm going to cut up and maybe ruin! Ebay has a few good deals (don't you sneak in ahead of me!), but now I AM SO EXCITED to pick up the cutest pair of red and black boots off of Craigslist this weekend for $15!! (I didn't have the heart to tell the gal I'm cutting them up.) Will my purse look like the professional's $400 purses? No. But will it be cute? I sure hope so!
And, apparently brilliant minds think alike because, on page 74 of the June/July 2010 issue of Mary Janes Farm, she has a how-to on, yes, "Cowboy-Boot Purses"!!!!
Check these out!

The tute that started it all, Janome's Recycled Cowboy Boot Purse tutorial

This is one of the more simple designs from the professionals at Diamond 57 in Oregon.
This looks almost doable for me, right?!? She's made purses for stars like Taylor Swift, and designed a couple of amazing bags for charity that were signed by Reba McIntyre. She will also custom make purses from your own pair of sentimental boots to the tune of $150 for single/$275 double plus $$ for all the extras.
This looks almost doable for me, right?!? She's made purses for stars like Taylor Swift, and designed a couple of amazing bags for charity that were signed by Reba McIntyre. She will also custom make purses from your own pair of sentimental boots to the tune of $150 for single/$275 double plus $$ for all the extras.

I really like this double-boot model from West Texas Totes. But, at $434 plus $20 shipping, I think I'll work on my own!
Promise to post pictures of my work in progress!! Partner, don't be peeking!
UPDATE: My "tutorial" is posted HERE.
I'm also a Thirty One Gifts consultant - come check out our personalized bags, purses and gifts - or start your OWN business. Check it out HERE.

Aren't they the cutest! Can't wait to see your creation!
those purses are adorable!! I guess I should have kept all my old boots.
Oh my gosh! Super cute. I hadn't seen these yet. How do you sew them together? Must go check out those tutorials!
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