I've signed up for my Secret Santa Swap and am posting this for my secret partner. If this sounds like fun, head on over to my swap blog and register before November 3!
What are your hobbies? I have too many hobbies - sewing, crocheting, reading, hanging out on Pinterest
What are your favorite colors? I love bright colors. Christmas decorating is mostly red and white; I've been really drawn to yellow and grey together, too.
Do you collect anything? I collect all sorts of lovelies: Russian nesting dolls, cookbooks, Mary Engelbreit goodies, purses, stray animals (but don't send me another cat, 'k?). Oh yeah, and aprons. I REALLY collect aprons.
Are you allergic to any fibers or animals? I'm allergic to cat dander but, since I have two cats myself, anything you might send with a few stray cat hairs won't do much damage.
Do you have any pets? Why yes, a huge Mastidane (great dane/mastiff mix) named Apollo and two cats that used to belong to our grown daughters, orange tabbies named Oliver and Chong.
Coffee, Tea, or Chocolate? Not a real fan of coffee although I've been ordering Soy White Chocolate Mochas in an attempt to fit it when vising coffee shops; flavored teas are good, but hot chocolate is my fav. I saw that someone found a Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate mix last year and that sounds YUMMY!!
What do you like to read? Ummm, everything! I love a good novel (but PG - no "Shades of Grey" here), especially culinary mysteries like (Dianne Mott Davidson, etc), crafting magazines, anything my DD is reading (so I read a lot of YA).
Do you prefer Cookies or Candies as a sweet? Homemade cookies are my weakness, especially anything chocolate or caramel. Wedding cookies, too. mmmmm
What is your favorite holiday treat? Starbucks Cranberry Bliss Bars (I have the recipe), Chocolate Orange Sticks.
Describe your favorite holiday tradition. Driving around to see the lights, watching "It's a Wonderful Life' for the millionth time, decorating several trees for Christmas, sending a shoebox full of gifts through Operation Christmas Child via Samaritans Purse.
Did you believe in Santa as a child? No. Sad story actually .. my parents grew up in the depression and adopted me (and then a brother for me) later in life. They didn't want me to believe in the lie that hurt them so much when they were younger; Santa didn't visit their households and they were always so sad at Christmas, thinking that they had done something wrong or he didn't love them. So I never was allowed to believe in Santa. But, I didn't make the same mistake with my kiddos. Santa is the mystery of Christmas and encourages giving to others with no thought of something in return. It's also why MUST remember to give to others less fortunate, because every child deserves a Merry Christmas, even if their parents cannot provide one. (steps off soapbox)
When do you open presents? We open the majority of our presents Christmas Eve after church, then Santa gifts and stockings in the AM.
Do you put up a tree and when? If not, how do you celebrate? We usually put up trees in the first weekend of December. Last year, we had four I think .... the kitchen tree is all red ornaments, the entry tree has unbreakables and jingle bells (the dog's tail is a dangerous thing when guests arrive), there's a small white tree in the bathroom, and then the family tree is a HUGE 10-foot rotating tree that is stuffed full of ornaments collected over the years. *sigh* I love Christmas, and my husband is a dear to indulge me. Oh, and they are all artificial because Mike is allergic!
Does your tree have a theme? (see above)
What has been your favorite gift to give? to receive? Oh, I stink at choosing a "favorite" (why did I write this question?). I do love presents that are homemade or a surprise because of the thought that goes into them.

1 comment:
Hoping you are not getting too stressed out by swappers not answering your questions on their blogs. I am wishing I could start fulfilling Secret Santa Wishes!!
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