Love to Give Campaign Background
As you know, the holidays are HERE. To kick up the momentum in this season of giving, eBay is in the middle of Love to Give, a campaign that focuses on the joys of holiday gift giving. The Love to Give site features a gallery of consumer-created "unwrap attack" videos that showcase some of the most hilarious and heartwarming gift giving and receiving moments captured on video – moments of pure emotion when people receive the “just-right” gift.
We’ve all experienced these “unwrap attacks” as a result of receiving the perfect gift. This fun site also includes gift recommendations, and interactive wish lists. You can find those perfect gifts on eBay that will inspire recipients to have their own “unwrap attacks”.
Check out this video!
I had my own mini-"unwrap attack" when I opened my email that invited me to share this amazing giveaway with my readers and followers!!!
YOU can win a $100 eBay Gift Card and start your OWN "Unwrap Attack"!!!!
How to enter:
Leave a comment telling me what gift would give you an unwrap attack this holiday season. Be sure to include your name and email address IN every comment.
For 1 extra entry, you may tweet or share on Facebook about this giveaway. Be sure to include @ShawneeH, a link to this post, and #unwrapattack in your tweet; or, link your FB post to this giveaway, then come back here and leave the link. Be sure to include your contact info in every comment.
Open to US and Canadian residents only.
This giveaway ends on December 12, 2010.
Official Rules are available here.
Official Rules are available here.
Disclosure: In accordance to the FTC Guidelines and WOMMA Code of Ethics, I am disclosing that the gift cards from this giveaway have been provided by eBay. Although I have a material connection to eBay, any publicly stated opinions of eBay remain my own.

Honestly? To open a box and find a note that said, "Susan, all of your children are now walking in Truth, signed Jesus Christ."
hmmm, I want what Susan asked for.
I would have a serious unwrap attack if I saw a box that looked like it could be holding a pair of knee length grey boots about my size!!!I would be covered in paper cuts and that would mean I had a unwrap attack injury!
I would definitely explode if I unwrapped a box that had a Wii console and Wii fit in it. My goal for 2011 is to lose 30 lbs and that would a great start!
tartdeco at gmail dot com
tweeted (tartdeco)
tartdeco at gmail dot com
Just realized I forgot to add my name to my posts!
tartdeco at gmail dot com
I would love a new sewing machine with embroidery.
But a think what would really give me an unwrap attack is a baby.
Thank you!
The one thing that would give me a major unwrap attack this Christmas is opening up an iPad. I've been wanting one really badly for awhile now and hubby knows it but I don't think he'd ever really get me something that expensive, so it would be a total surprise if he did.
3kidsnus at gmail.com
What would give me the "Unwrap Attack" would be a new car stereo, so I can listen to all my legally-purchased MP3s on my way to work rather than the moldy oldest. Make it happen, eBay!
Well....an Ipad would Definitely give me an Unwrap Attack!!
but more Attainable would be a
Cricut Expression!! Unwrap Attack for Sure:)
Please Santa...I've been Good!
I would have an unwrap attack if I open up a box and it had a new sewing machine in it!!!!!!!
I would have a super serious unwrap attack if the 1991 Hallmark Star Ship Enterprise ornament was in my box. It's the only one I don't have since I started collecting in 1992.
I'd have an unwrap attack if I opened a MacBook Pro this Christmas!!
- Carmen
junkforcarmen at gmail dot com
I'd have a real attack to unwrap a new sewing machine or Ipad, both needed! lol Shoot, winning the Ebay card would really do it!
I guess I either have everything I want or don't get too excited over things because I can't think of anything grand I'd have an "unwrap attack" over. I'm mostly excited to watch my boys open their gifts and see what Santa got them. I'm all taken care of :)
I would have an unwrap attack if it were an IPAD!!! Id be so excited to open it!! =D
elgrandemich at hotmail dot com
I tweeted!
elgrandemich at hotmail dot com
Wow-I love Susan's comments. I would love to be back together with my ex with a ring.
flyergal82 (at) yahoo (DOT) com
I would have an unwrap attack if I opened a box and it contained either a Silhouette or a Cricut in it! I think I need one!! But a $100 gift card would work also!
I would love to have a laptop for christmas. I really need one because Im tired of sharing
shopgurl101 @gmail .com
tweeet http://twitter.com/shopgurl/status/12779859851878400
shopgurl101 @gmail .com
A pair of Ugg boots would give me an unwrap attack!! I have been wanting some but with a teenage daughter in the house she gets first. Nobody knows I really want them so that would be a huge surprise unwrap attack. :)
tyson 2468 (at) charter (dot) net
I would love to get the okay to rescue a puppy from the shelter. One that would like to play with my Boxer Rocco!!
I would love a Polaroid camera and tons of film!!
I'd LOVE to unwrap some new running clothes this Christmas! I want to keep getting in my outdoor runs but it is darn chilly!!!
I twetted about your giveaway!
beastbunny @ hotmail dot com
An Ipad would give me an unwrap attack.
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I tweeted
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Many things would give me an unwrap attack because I never ask for big things even though I want them. A big flat screen television, my own laptop, an area rug for the family room...
i’d like to be unselfish and say world peace or something like that, but i’d rather get a brand spankin’ new iPhone 4. bring on teh wunrap attack!
kari jasus
kari jasus
If I opened a box and there was a digital camera in it this would give me a unwrap attack lol!
romapup at gmail dot com
Shared on Twitter http://twitter.com/romapr09/status/13613777211625473
romapup at gmail dot com
I'd like to unwrap a big shiny bow on a nice little mercedes from ebay motors for an unwrap attack
tweeted jtrophy at gmail dot com
An iPad would give me an unwrap attack this holiday season
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
an Ipad would be so awesome
One of those new 3D televisions would give me an unwrap attack.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
A KitchenAid mixer would give me an unwrap attack!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
I tweeted!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
I'd say any gift would give me an unwrap attack. Since it's just me and my son....he's the one who does the unwrapping.
He will have an unwrap attack this year when he finds out he's received a new bed!
So theoretically, a laptop computer would give me a major unwrap attack!! Oh my gosh. I've never owned one and that is one thing I long for.
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