Friday, April 10, 2009

Fitness Challenge - Day 12 of 56

This DVD is part of a special 3-pack at Target. In Walk Strong, it's a brisk walk combined with weights for strength training at intervals. Leslie tells us that by the end of workout, we've done the equivalent of 2-miles all within 30 minutes. I'd recommend this one!

As far as the challenge goes, I've maintained my calorie and fitness journals every day since Day One - Spark People has me eating between 1200 and 1550 calories every day, 30 minutes of cardio three days a week and strength training three days as well. I've been doing it! I love that website. I'm a big time gadget freak and love keying in what I've eaten, looking up in their extensive on-line database to track nutritional information/calories, etc. If you decide to join, come be my friend, SHAWNEEH.

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