Friday, February 20, 2009

What's Karen Cooking?

My mother-in-love, Karen, is an amazing cook and baker. Truly. She taught Mike since he was a rug rat and HE'S an amazing cook, too. Me, I didn't learn how until years after we were married and I am more efficient than delicious or adventurous though I try.

In addition to making yummy food, she's EXTREMELY frugal. That woman can stretch a dollar more than anyone else on the planet. So, I asked her to start sending me what she's made for dinner so I can share with YOU. I know money is tight everywhere, and one of the biggest areas we gals have control over is the food budget. Karen meals are from scratch so you know exactly what's in 'em and very budget friendly.

Here's what was for dinner a few nights ago, directions in her own words:

Danish Chicken with Asparagus

You cook a whole chicken in four cups of water and cook the asparagus in a little water until tender crisp. Keep the asparagus water. When the chicken is done I take the skin off and break into pieces but you can leave in whole pieces too. I put the asparagus water into the broth. Use 3 Tablespoons of flour and two egg yolks to thicken the broth. I put all together in a casserole dish and put in the oven to heat til bubbly. Serve with mashed potatoes.

Whole chicken $4.69
Asparagus $1.99
Medium Onion, Flour, Eggs and Potatoes on hand

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